Brienne-le-Chateau to Chateaubillain
Rain all day with a headwind. Not as strong as days past, but still there.
I remember a conversation with a great customer at Wheelworks about two years ago.He said he had just come back from Spain. He said he brought a bike, but because of the heavy rain and wind, he never got a chance to ride.
We both stood there quiet for a bit until he realized that I had been in Spain at the same time and had no choice but to ride.
We have no choice. We have resevations 50km's away and thats where our bags have been taken to.
Its gotten colder and hillier. Not bad, but very wet.
The town we left today is where Napolion went to school. Five years of miltery training turned him into the person in history we know.
Young Napolion
There is one of the best museums I have ever been to in the center of town. Loaded with prints and and diaramas of battles famous from years past. Beautifuly set up rooms of Napolions life as a soldier.
We both enjoyed our stop and will remember it for a long time.
Back on the road with plans to stop for lunch after 20 miles of riding, we came across a great restraunt, parked and locked the bike and went in, soaking wet.
We were greated at the door as if we were dressed for the opera. Tha Madame took our wet clothing and hung it in their closet. They were happy to see us as if we were old customers.
Lunch was great. Two Amuse Bouche before starting.
Cheese and hive on bread and Ham on q crisp
Whitefish topped with shrimp
Dinner was fantastic, Go to "Photos of great food" for the photos.
After our great lunch we dressed in the wet clothing and headed back on the rainy road for the afternoon.
Thirty K as the crow flys to our hotel. Still raining, still blowing. It took a while to warm up. We stayed in the large chainring and stayed there for the first 30 minuits. Climbing as well.
We made a stop at an Abby along the way famous for St Bernard. We will be crossing St Bernards pass in the Alps on the next leg of our trip in a year or two, so we felt it was important.
The abby is huge and because it is now used as a high security prison, we were not allowed to take photographs.
We did how ever take a tour that brought us through some of the old abby and some of the old prison. The condittions were horrorable. It made getting back on the bike in the cold, wind blown rain seem better, for a while anyway.
We pass war memorials daily along the route for heros from the World War One. This one I thought was quite beautiful.
We arived in the town around 5:25. The rain had slowed to almost nothing. We rode all qround town looking for the hotel. It took around a half hour to find it because as it turned out, it did not have a sign.
There was no one there when we knocked and rang the bell. All the lights were turned out.
Barb called on her cell phone and was only able to leave a message.
Shortly later, a English speaking fellow came from across the street and said, "We are over here!"
The hotel is owned and run by a very nice British couple that own buildings on both sides of the street. We are staying across the street from the address we were given.
We showered, changed and went right to the bar where I proceeded to make friends with the keg.
Dinner was fantastic. A beautiful salad with rice and anchovies and a Pork and chick pea dish with cous cous. We finished with a Choclate Moose made with Wiskey.
Our stay in this town will be short. We will be back on the road early enough to be at our next hotel no later then 6:00.
We are both looking forward to tomorrows ride in nicer. dryer weather.
PS: We took on another passenger today. I decided we Must have him along. He is only 11" tall. (He thinks he Napolion!)
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